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Fashion Swap Party 「SWAQ」at COMMUNE Omotesando




Fashion Swap Party 「SWAQ」at COMMUNE Omotesando
Fashion Swap Party 「SWAQ」at COMMUNE Omotesando

Time & Location

2020年11月03日 13:00 – 16:00

COMMUNE, 日本、〒107-0062 東京都港区南青山3丁目13

About The Event

(English follows) 家に眠っていて使っていないお気にいりだった服や小物はありませんか?

Fashion Swap Party「SWAQ」に持っていくと、会場内の好きなアイテムを持ち帰ることができます。 新型コロナの影響で、イベント開催をしばらく見送っていましたが、この度11月3日(祝)に、表参道駅すぐのCOMMUNEで開催いたします。

前回の様子はこちら。  ■2020 at GRiD : ■2018 at Commune :



今回は、感染症対策として、時間制にして人数制限を設けております。 お早めのチケット確保をお勧め致します。 また、COMMUNE内ではオープンエアで、都内で活躍中のDJによる音楽や食事とドリンクもお楽しみいただけます。


Satoshi Miya


DJ Honeypants

--------------------------------------------------------------------- 会場:COMMUNE(東京都港区南青山3-13) 日程:2020年11月3日(祝) 時間:1部13:00-13:50 / 2部14:00-14:50 / 3部15:00-15:50 ※各部人数制限あり 入場料:各部1,500円 ( COMMUNEで利用可能な500円チケット付き!)  ※お得なALL DAYチケットも限定販売中 ※今月までSNSフォローの方には500円オフのクーポンコード配布中。→クーポンコード「naturalhigh」 --------------------------------------------------------------------

<注意事項> ✔︎汚れや破れの無い清潔できれいな服をご持参ください。状態が悪いアイテムは受付不可です。 ✔︎持ち込み点数は3点まで可能。 ✔︎持ち込み点数により持ち帰れる点数は変わります。 ✔︎アクセサリーや帽子などの小物もOK! ✔︎素敵な服を持ってきていただいた方には特典あり


ーーー Do you have any items of clothing at home that are just wasting away in the back of your wardrobe, collecting dust without seeing any daylight? Any clothes, shoes or accessories that seem to waste their glorious potential, untouched, in your room? If this sounds familiar, come along to our Fashion Swap Party, where you can exchange your clothes with the clothes that take your fancy at our venue!

We hosted our 12th party in January and various international crowds came along. You can see how it was like in the links below! 2020: 2018:

As the name suggests, SWAQ is hosting a party where gatherers can come swap their items of clothing with others. You’ll need to bring your own items in order to swap, and any items that you end up swapping, you can take them home for free! This fashion swap party is a fun way to revamp your wardrobe without spending a lot of money. (Please note, there is an admission fee)

You can also enjoy the various kind of food and drinks the venue Commune offers, while listening to live DJ music.

How the swapping works: 1. Don’t forget to bring your own clothes! Clothes should be clean. Clothes from every corner of the world are welcome! 2. At the venue, attach a tag on your clothes and write a message! This message is a great opportunity that allows you to bid a farewell to your clothes and greet the new owner.

✔︎Please bring items that are in good condition (those in bad conditions will not be accepted)

✔︎Please note that 3 is maximum number of items that you can bring to this event ✔︎The number of items that you can take home will depend on how many items you bring ✔︎Accessories, hats and smaller accessories are all accepted

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